spray foam walls in Houston

Cost Of Spray Foam Insulation In New Homes In 2023

Spray foam insulation is a type of insulation made of a polyurethane-type liquid. When combined with air, it expands to fit into the interior of stud walls and rafter and joist spaces. It makes for a great sealant as it fills tiny gaps and reduces air leakage.

Where to Use Spray Foam Insulation

Spray foam insulation can be used in different house areas to create an effective air barrier. Common areas in your home where you can use it include:

  • Crawl spaces and basements
  • Gas and electrical penetrations
  • Water feature fillers
  • Foundation and sliding meeting point
  • Wall joints in the garage ceiling
  • Vents and exterior faucets
  • Stonewall repair
  • HVAC systems

Spray Foam Insulation Costs

The cost of spray foam insulation will depend on various factors, including the kind of material used, the location of your home, whether it is new construction or an old building, and the labor cost in the area. The average cost ranges between $3,000 and $10,000. It is comparatively easy to add spray foam insulation to a new house than an already existing one. The walls and ceilings are still unfinished and open, making it less laborious. Insulating a new home may cost at least $1 less per square foot than an existing home.

Another factor determining the cost of insulating a home is the spray foam insulation used. There are two types of spray foam insulations:

Open-Cell Insulation

The cells in open-cell insulation don’t form complete encapsulations. This results in flexible and softer foam. Open-cell foam insulation costs will average between $0.44 and $0.65 per board foot. The benefits of adding open-cell insulation include:

  • It enables bi-directional drying
  • It can adapt to long haul creep and seasonal movement
  • Prevents mold growth
  • Offers strong dampening characteristics making it ideal for theaters and media rooms
  • Has a lower average cost per square foot.

Closed-Cell Insulation

Closed-cell insulation is applied by combining a polyurethane liquid with air, enabling it to expand and seal gaps and spaces. It features wholly encased air cells. These encased air cells make the insulation denser and more moisture resistant. The average cost of closed-cell insulation is between $1.00 and $1.50 per board foot. Its advantages include:

  • Can reject mass water
  • It can be applied at shallow temperatures.
  • Includes wall racking strength and impact resistance
  • Has a higher R-value per inch.
  • Has a low vapor permeance
  • Has a higher tensile and bond quality

Cost of Spray Foam Insulation by Location

While the average cost ranges between $3,000 and $10,000, the location of the insulation will also affect its actual cost. Given below is the average cost of spray foam insulation for different parts of your home:


Most of the time, garages are not insulated when they are first built. People think of insulating a garage only after adding living space above it. Garage insulation can help reduce the energy costs of heat loss. The average cost of insulating a two-car garage is between $0.50 and $1.25 per square foot.


Basements will not need as much insulation as the rest of the home as their surroundings to help keep them cool in the summer and warm in the winter. The average cost of insulating a basement is $1.50 to $2.50 per square foot.


Attic insulation is the most important part of your home that needs insulation. Since heat rises, most homes have twice as much insulation in the attic as they do in the rest of the home. The average cost of insulating an attic is $1,500 and $6,000.


Roof insulation can help retain heat in your home or convert your attic into a livable space. The average cost of insulating your roof with spray foam is $1,500 and $4,500.


Most newly constructed homes will use spray foam insulation below the exterior house siding. Wall insulation costs between $1 and $4 per square foot.

Labor Cost for Home Insulation

The labor cost for home insulation will also vary based on the installation method, accessibility of the area, and the equipment used. Spray foam insulation requires special equipment and protective gear to be worn by the people working with it. The average labor cost of spray foam in a newly constructed home is between $0.25 and $2.50 per square foot.


Other Factors That May Impact Cost

Besides the type of insulation used, location, and size of the home, other factors could affect the cost of insulation. Some other common factors include:

Energy Requirements

The energy requirements for new buildings in any location are governed by local, state, or federal codes. These codes will specify the R-value of the insulation in each area of the home. You must ensure your contractor knows these codes and adheres to them when building a new home. These requirements can impact the total cost of the insulation.

Energy Upgrades

You can get various energy upgrades that will affect the overall energy efficiency of your newly constructed home. These will improve overall thermal efficiency in your home and bring down the cost of insulation.

How Long Does it Take to Install Spray Foam Insulation?

It can take days or weeks to install insulation in a newly constructed home. The insulation contractors need to inspect and approve the framing and other aspects of the house before installing the insulation. Once all the plans are approved and finalized, the date arrives. Usually, two crews visit the new home on the installation day and start spray foaming the open cavities. Typically, it can take two days to insulate a 2,000 to 2,500-square-foot home from top to bottom. This time includes any preparation around windows and doors, covering certain items in the house, and cleaning up studs for the contractor who will hang the drywall.

https://fdinsulation.com/attic-insulation/spray-foam/ offers spray foam insulation services for residential and commercial systems. Our Houston attic insulation contractor team is dedicated to improving energy efficiency, structural durability, and indoor air quality through the use of our top-of-the-line spray foam insulation.

First Defense Insulation,

12 Greenway Plaza Suite 1147 Houston Texas 77046,



What is the R-Value of Spray Foam Insulation?

Having a comfortable home environment, regardless of the weather, is a priority for many of us. Achieving this requires keeping unwanted elements such as air, moisture, and pests out of our living spaces. Spray foam insulation has a well-established reputation for providing exceptional weatherproofing, provided it is installed properly. If you’ve conducted thorough research, you’re likely familiar with the unarguable insulating and air-sealing abilities of spray foam in Houston. Its efficacy lies in its R-Value. The higher the R-Value, the better the insulation’s performance in maintaining a comfortable temperature within your space while reducing energy consumption and costs. In this blog post, we will look into what the R-Value of spray foam insulation is and why it matters in ensuring energy efficiency. 

What is R-Value?

R-Value, in simple terms, is a measure of the ability of a particular insulation type to resist heat transfer, which directly impacts energy efficiency and comfort levels in your space. By understanding the R-Value and what it represents, you can make an informed decision on the right insulation solution for your needs and expectations. 

Understanding the R-Value of Spray Foam Insulation

The R-Value of spray foam insulation is calculated by considering its thickness, density, and thermal conductivity. These metrics determine the material’s ability to resist heat flow, reflected in its R-Value. However, other factors affect the R-Value of spray foam insulation, including the type of foam used (we’ll define them below), the thickness of the application, the temperature, and humidity levels. The age of the insulation, as well as its exposure to UV rays, can also impact its R-Value over time. 

Not every spray foam insulation is the same, and you may be curious as to why there is a disparity in the R-Value per inch between open-cell and closed-cell options. Let’s take a look at each of them in detail below. 

Open-Cell Spray Foam

Open-cell spray foam insulation is characterized by cells that are not fully enclosed. This deliberate design results in a more malleable and flexible material. The open cells also allow air circulation, making it a top choice for insulation and air sealing in specific applications. 

The R-Value of open-cell spray foam insulation ranges from R-3.6 to R-3.8 per inch. 

Closed-Cell Spray Foam

Unlike open-cell foam, closed-cell foam cells are densely packed with no spaces between them. This results in a rigid, solid material that is highly effective at preventing air and moisture from infiltrating (it’s perfect for basements and foundations). The dense cell structure of closed-cell foam also contributes to the building’s overall structural integrity, making it a valuable addition to any insulation project.

The R-Value of closed-cell spray foam insulation is typically in the range of R-6 to R-7 per inch. 

Comparing the R-Value of Spray Foam Insulation to Other Insulation Materials

Spray foam insulation’s superiority over other insulation materials is mainly attributed to its relatively higher R-Value per inch compared to other common insulation types. For example, fiberglass insulation has an R-Value of 2.2 to 2.7 per inch, while cellulose insulation has an R-Value of 3.2 to 3.8 per inch. This means that, with a similar thickness, spray foam insulation will have a higher insulating capacity than fiberglass or cellulose insulation. Additionally, spray foam insulation creates an air seal that stops air movement and ensures maximum insulation (heat travels faster through air movement, convection, than conduction). The air seal is more crucial than conductive resistance. However, it is important to keep in mind that the actual R-Value of a material can be affected by many other factors, such as the quality of installation, temperature, and aging.

Why Choose Spray Foam Insulation Over Alternative Insulation Options?

Your home is a haven for relaxation and quality time with your family after a long day. Ensuring comfort within your dwelling should be a top priority, and spray foam insulation can help accomplish that. With its effectiveness demonstrated through studies showing it to be at least 50% more efficient than other insulation options available, it’s worth considering the following benefits to decide if it’s the right choice for you.

  • Exceptional Soundproofing: Spray foam insulation provides superior soundproofing properties when installed between wall studs.
  • High R-Value: Spray foam has a higher R-Value than other insulation materials, with closed-cell spray foam having an R-Value of R-7 per inch and open-cell having R-3.6 per inch.
  • Long-lasting: Spray foam insulation has a useful life of up to 80 years, three times longer than other insulation materials.
  • Easy Installation: Installing spray foam insulation is straightforward and quick, even in hard-to-reach areas, compared to other insulation alternatives. It can be installed at any time of the year.
  • It adds structural integrity to the building, making it a strong choice for new construction or renovation projects.
  • Spray foam insulation provides excellent energy efficiency by reducing air leaks and thermal loss.
  • Spray foam insulation is eco-friendly, as it contains no harmful chemicals or volatile organic compounds.

Ultimately, if you believe spray foam insulation would be a good fit for your home, it’s important to research how it meets your specific insulation needs. Also, spray foam comes with a higher initial cost than other insulation alternatives. Although the initial investment may be steep, the long-term benefits and low maintenance costs make it worthwhile. For those with budget constraints, fiberglass and cellulose insulation may provide a more cost-effective solution. To ensure a successful and safe installation, it’s recommended to work with a reputable insulation company. 

At First Defense Insulation, Houston, we are all about providing you with the best insulation for a comfortable home. We can also present you with spray foam insulation financing opportunities, to make your investment less stressful. We will provide you with expert guidelines on not just how to maximize your home’s R-value based on your expectations and needs but also enhance your home’s overall comfort and optimize its energy efficiency for years to come. Check us out through our website at https://fdinsulation.com/attic-insulation/spray-foam/ to learn more about how we can help determine the most suitable insulation for your project. Alternatively, we can be reached through our contact details below. 


First Defense Insulation, 

12 Greenway Plaza, Suite 1147, 

Houston, Texas 77046, 



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Crawl Space Problems

Why Encapsulate Your Crawl Space?

Did you know that approximately 20% of U.S. homes have crawl spaces? Initially, builders added crawl spaces to houses to provide a barrier between the house and the damp earth. Today, the primary purpose of a crawl space is to collect moisture and store humid air. About 50% of the air circulating in your home travels up from the crawl space. If you need to encapsulate the crawl space using spray foam in Houston, you need to contact a professional to do it. What’s encapsulation, and why should you do it? Let’s find out!

What is Encapsulation?

Encapsulation refers to adding a moisture barrier to your crawl space floor, insulated walls, crawl space dehumidifiers, and sealed foundation vents. Encapsulation becomes more effective when you completely seal off the crawl space. After encapsulation, the dehumidifier regulates the space’s moisture level. 

Why Should You Encapsulate?

Since over 50% of the air in your home travels up the crawl space, the area must stay clean and dry. Here are some reasons your space needs encapsulation.

  • Avoiding Structural Damage

Moisture in crawl spaces leads to structural damage by rotting the wood and flooring – encapsulating your home’s crawl space wards off humidity. If your home undergoes structural damage because of moisture, it reduces its value. It will also become too expensive to fix, as hiring professional costs a lot of money.

  • Mitigates Humidity Issues

Encapsulation mitigates humidity which can cause problems like wood rot, mold, and fungal growth. These contaminants pose health hazards such as lung diseases and respiratory infections. Encapsulation seals the crawl space and mitigates moisture build-up.

  • Pest Control

Dark and damp areas attract pests, and encapsulation shields your home from pest infestations. Pests carry the risk of health hazards, home contamination, and putrid odors. Encapsulation is especially useful in keeping out termites. You can keep away other pests like rodents using other products.

  • Saving on Heating Costs

One benefit of encapsulating is the reduction in heating costs, especially if your HVAC ducting is in the crawl space. When you encapsulate your crawl space, you will have less air from outside circulating, adding more insulation. This means warmer floors during winter, warming your house, and reducing heating costs. Since encapsulation reduces humid air, the HVAC system uses less energy and works more efficiently.

  • Better Air Quality

Encapsulation cleans the air in your home. After the encapsulation process, the space is clean and dry, which improves the quality of air that circulates in your house. A dry area also means no mold, which is much healthier for your lungs.

  • Elimination of Bad Odors

Crawl spaces are sometimes a source of foul odors because of rodent droppings. Encapsulating the crawl space ensures you will not have any issues with odors in the future.

  • Extra Storage

Once you clean and encapsulate the crawl space, you eliminate moisture issues. You can use the now dry space as extra storage to store your belongings. Since sealing the space eliminates the pest issue, you do not have to pay for storage elsewhere.

How to Get Your Crawl Space Ready for Encapsulation

Depending on the state of your space, you need to prepare it before encapsulation. Some things you need to address before you seal the area include the following:

  • Improving Your Drainage

Water may seep into your crawl space if your home has a poor drainage system. If you see water puddles beneath your home, talk to a professional to address the issue before you attempt to encapsulate your crawl space.

  • Check for Back-Drafts from Your Appliance

Ensure you check for back drafts from your appliances by doing a safety inspection. Check that they do not emit carbon dioxide that might cause back-draft into your home. Encapsulating without checking for back drafts could pose a health risk to you and your family.

  • Mold Growth

A damp crawl space almost always has mold growth issues. Inspect the HVAC equipment and floor joists for mold signs. Deal with this issue before you start the encapsulation.

  • Completely Seal the Walls, Vents, and Floor

When your crawl space is ready for encapsulation, your goal should be sealing the area from the outside air and damp earth. For this to happen, you must:

  • Seal off Every Opening and Vent: This prevents air from entering the space from outside. Foam board and spray foam will perfectly do the trick.
  • Install a plastic vapor barrier on the crawl space floor: Since you are trying to keep all moisture out, you should attach the vapor barrier to the floor, walls, piers, equipment, etc. 
  • Air Seal Cracks and Gaps: After dealing with significant vents and openings, it’s time to seal other cracks and gaps. These include plumbing penetrations, joists, wiring, and HVAC line runs.

What Does Crawl Space Encapsulation Entail?

Crawl space encapsulation begins with an assessment of your home. The professionals will verify if the crawl space is suitable for the exercise. The encapsulation process includes the following:

  • Flattening the soil in the crawl space 
  • Debris removal
  • Addition of an access door to provide extra ventilation
  • Adding foam insulation on the block walls
  • Installing a liner on the floor and walls
  • Installation of humidifiers and drain pipes, if necessary
  • Getting rid of all old, damaged, and unnecessary insulation
  • Treating mildew and mold
  • Adding new insulation

Crawl space encapsulation is vital to your home as it increases your home value. No buyer will want to pay your asking price if you have issues with a damp crawl space. When the space is dry and well encapsulated, you can ask for more and ensure you point out the condition of the crawl space. 

Encapsulation also helps you evade structural or pest problems and improves your home’s air quality. Do not attempt encapsulation unless you have the skills and expertise. Hire the pros at First Defense Insulation to help get the job done. With over 35 years of experience fixing uncomfortable homes, you can trust us to help you get the job done. We offer multiple insulation services and present you with insulation financing opportunities as well. Visit our website for more information https://fdinsulation.com/attic-insulation/spray-foam/.


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First Defense Insulation,

12 Greenway Plaza Suite 1147 Houston Texas 77046,



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Mold In Crawl Space

How to Determine If Wall Insulation Has Mold

For some people, the thought of insulation conjures up images of a functional refrigerator. When it’s working optimally, your insulation helps keep your home cool or warm – depending on the season. But as with most products, your insulation has a service life. And to determine if a replacement is due, your go-to spray foam insulation contractor can inspect it and direct you on the way forward.

But why inspect? Moisture and mold can take up residence in your insulation and cause serious issues – especially if left unattended. Plus, the two elements can gang up against your valuable insulation material, leading to premature deterioration and consequently, replacement.

At First Defense Insulation, we believe in the power of knowledge, which is fitting, as this post intends to educate you on ways to determine whether your insulation has mold. For starters, let’s point out that mold and moisture (the troublesome twins) can reduce your home’s R-value – we’ll get back to this below. If you suspect your insulation has a mold problem, here’re some telltale signs, including steps, you can take to identify and deal with the issue.

Persistent Health Issues

The cold season is a cue for the flu and other illnesses. But if your children or anyone else in your family have persistent health issues, your insulation could be telling you something. Such health issues often persist until you address the root cause – which could be moldy insulation.

Respiratory problems, asthma attacks, skin irritation, itchy eyes, headaches, and nausea are all common symptoms of a mold problem in your insulation. If you notice these symptoms don’t seem to wane over time, you could be dealing with untreated mold without your knowledge.

Similarly, you probably have insulation-related mold if allergies appear more often than usual. Sneezing, coughing, and watery eyes are all common signs and should be a cause for concern.

Pungent Smell

That musty odor in your home could be a telltale sign of mold. Pungent scents – similar to wet soil or mildew, usually indicate an infested attic or crawlspace.

Your walls could also give off a musty smell, especially in some parts of your home. The icky odor is unmistakable if you have a sharp sense of smell. For the rest of us, a mold inspection is a sure-fire way to identify suspicious odors.

Visual Inspection

Sometimes, it’s easy to spot the signs of insulation gone bad. If you’re comfortable with assessing the situation, take a visual inspection of your insulation. Signs such as discoloration, black or gray spots, and rotting wood indicate mold. Similarly, mold may have a greenish hue with whitish edges as it grows before turning black.

If you’re using fiberglass insulation, check for sagging or dampened parts of the material. While inspecting your walls for moisture damage, look out for evidence of mold growth, including:

  • Watermarks on the wall
  • Bubbling paint or bubbles in wallpaper
  • Peeling paint
  • Crumbling drywall

Call your local insulation contractor to assess the situation if you spot any of these warning signs. And to confirm your fears, poke the affected area with a screwdriver – if it’s spongy or crumbles, you know you’re dealing with an infestation.

Furthermore, signs of mold can be more apparent in certain parts of the home, such as near exterior walls and finished basements. If you spot visible mold colonies in either of these areas, most likely, the insulation isn’t in good shape.

What if you’re dealing with white mold? Well, if your insulation is white, it provides the perfect camouflage for mold to thrive. White mold is especially problematic as the spores are airborne and can spread quickly, making it hard to detect without a professional eye – which leads us to the next point.

Seek Professional Help

If you are in over your head, contact a professional insulation contractor like First Defense Insulation. Our certified professionals know what to look for and can give you an accurate assessment of the situation. And since your wall insulation is usually out-of-sight, so would mold.

As such, we test for mold to establish its concentration level in your home. That way, you won’t rely on guesswork and can rule out its presence. After completing the assessment, we usually recommend measures to address mold issues. Mainly, this involves air sealing and fixing the affected area. Sometimes, we suggest air quality tests to ensure mold isn’t a problem in other parts of the house.

We also provide insulation removal in Houston and installation services to restore your home’s R-value. Basically, the R-value measures thermal resistance and is essential for achieving energy efficiency. A high R-value implies your house is better at conserving heat, while a low R-value means your insulation isn’t operating as efficiently. And usually, mold infestation is an indication of inefficient insulation. And as your insulation loses its effectiveness, your energy costs are likely to increase.

In extreme cases, mold remediation may be necessary to eliminate the problem and get your home back in top shape. If this is the case in your home, contact us or your go-to expert immediately. Remediation typically involves:

  • Testing and removal
  • Demolition of the affected area
  • Sanitization and containment
  • Cleaning

We don’t mess around when it comes to keeping your family safe and healthy. So, let us help you remove the mold in your insulation or replace it with new material – whichever applies to your situation. Our team is also well-versed in various techniques that can help prevent future mold growth – from using a dehumidifier to removing moisture-infested materials.

Don’t take chances with your home’s health – call an expert to get your mold problem under control. They can inspect your home and provide a detailed report on the state of your insulation, including practical ways to manage the situation if needed.

At First Defense Insulation, we know first-hand the pain of dealing with a moldy and inefficient home. Should you need our services, call us or explore our site at https://fdinsulation.com/attic-insulation/spray-foam/. We can advise you on the ideal approach to deal with a mold infestation in your wall’s insulation and offer you tips on preventing it in the future.

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First Defense Insulation, 

12 Greenway Plaza Suite 1147 Houston Texas 77046, 



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Blown-in Insulation vs. Spray Foam Insulation

Spray Foam Insulation vs. Blown-In Insulation

After suffering through the heat of summer, isn’t it time you decided to insulate your home correctly? It’s time to get rid of drafts. You can’t beat spray foam insulation for performance, versatility, and efficiency. And if you’re going to have it installed, you might as well get the best spray foam insulation Houston, TX, offers.

The high energy bills you pay monthly would be reduced by $100. Read on to learn the similarities and differences between spray foam and blown-in Insulation.

What’s Spray Foam Insulation

Spray foam insulation, also known as spray polyurethane foam (SPF), can be sprayed into wall cavities and other areas in a home. It’s a great option for sealing gaps and cracks in your walls, where it will expand to fill the entire space.

It’s also a very efficient form of Insulation since it provides excellent thermal resistance and helps to prevent condensation on cold surfaces.

Here is the process of applying spray foam insulation:

  • Choose the spray foam type. Many spray foam insulation available on the market today are open-cell and closed-cell. Each type has advantages and disadvantages, so matching your needs with the right product is important.
  • Clean the surface of the wall where you apply the spray foam. Use mild soap, water, or bleach to clean up any dirt or stains on the walls. Make sure that all surfaces are dry.
  • Cover windows and doors with plastic sheeting or cardboard before applying the spray foam insulation because they could get damaged by overspray.
  • Wear personal protective equipment (PPE) such as gloves, goggles, and a mask because it can be messy and potentially dangerous if you don’t take appropriate precautions.
  • Mark out each section that will be sprayed with masking tape so that you don’t waste material when spraying more than one area at a time. 
  • Spray the perimeter first because it is easier to coat large areas without wasting material or leaving gaps behind. Ensure to let the perimeter dry before spraying other areas.
  • Lube the applicator the moment you replace the spray tip.

What’s Blown-In Insulation?

Blown-in Insulation is a process that involves blowing Insulation into the spaces between studs and joists in your home using a hose. It not only creates an insulating blanket but also helps limit sound transfer from the outside and the inside, dampening the impact of things like street noise.

Blown-in Insulation is typically made from fiberglass or cellulose. It is installed using a blower machine to blow the material into place.

Before the sheetrock is installed, the studs and joists of a home’s walls and ceiling are insulated with thick, lengthy strips of fiberglass insulation. The Insulation can settle over time, leaving tiny holes through which air can flow, leading to heat loss. However, it is not always possible to re-install these sheets around obstacles like unfinished ceilings or other structural features.

Spray Foam Insulation vs. Blown-In Insulation: Difference?

Spray foam insulation and blown-in Insulation are excellent ways to keep your home warm and cool, but they have some differences.


Blown-in Insulation is less durable; it lasts 20-30 years because it’s made from raw fibers instead of a solid material like spray foam. Blown-in Insulation won’t last long if the cellulose is installed before sealing the air leaks; then, air will continue to leak through the space. 

The lifespan of spray foam insulation is 100 years. The longevity of blown-in Insulation varies based on how well it was installed and how much moisture it gets exposed to.


The price of  Insulation gets affected by the following factors:

  • Used Material 
  • Quantity of Required Resources
  • The amount of time to complete the task
  • Location of the Home 
  • Level of Insulation
  • Where Insulation is taking place

Spray foam costs more than blown-in Insulation. For example, while the average cost of spray foam insulation is $1.36-$2.63 per square foot, the average cost of blown-in Insulation is $1.00-$2.80 per square foot.

Ease of Application

Installing spray foam calls for unique tools and training. For example, in spray foam insulation, the chemical compounds are pressurized, which initiates the chemical reaction necessary to produce the foam. 

Blown-in requires professional assistance; blown-in Insulation is applied by a professional who uses an air compressor to blow the Insulation into your walls

Insulation Effectiveness

Spray foam insulation is sprayed onto the surface of your home with specialized equipment, where it hardens and forms a solid barrier. The result is an R-value of about 6.5-7 per inch (much higher than traditional fiberglass), which means it can keep your home warm and cool.

Blown-In Insulation, on the other hand, is applied through a machine that pressurizes a mixture of fibers and water into your walls and ceilings. It has an R-value of about 2.5-3.6 per inch, so it doesn’t keep your house as warm or cool as spray foam.

Air Quality

If the person applying the Insulation isn’t using the proper safety gear or the foam isn’t put properly, the reaction can be deadly. Specialists warn that the fumes and aerosols released during the application of spray polyurethane foam pose a risk to the respiratory system. Spray polyurethane foam contains isocyanates, a known irritant to the skin, eyes, and lungs.

Damp-blown-in insulation facilitates fungal growth. Fungal spores can be present in any attic, and when damp, they can grow and spread easily if the conditions are right. It can lead to health problems for those who inhale or ingest the fungus or mold spores. If your house’s HVAC system does not have a proper filter, it could circulate this harmful material.

Spray foam insulation has grown in popularity, but that doesn’t mean it’s the best option for everyone. It is a more efficient and effective method for insulating, however. Keep in mind that an increase in efficiency means an increase in costs. Spray Foam insulation is significantly more expensive than blown-in Insulation and needs to be carefully measured to ensure proper airflow. Visit https://fdinsulation.com/attic-insulation/spray-foam/ for all your residential and commercial insulation needs.


Name, Address and Phone

First Defense Insulation, 

12 Greenway Plaza Suite 1147, 

Houston Texas 77046, 





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What is Insulation Spray Foam?

Spray foam is an insulation material made of plastic or polyurethane foam. Spray foam insulation installation can be adjusted to anyone’s requirements. The foam’s semi-solid characteristic makes it ideal for roofing, pipework, and other solid structures in a building. Despite spraying as a liquid, this foam is non-porous and flexible, making it a popular choice for wall and roofing insulation. It is also lightweight, making it ideal for docks, ships, and boat floatation. Due to its strength, it is also used in various industrial applications like walk-in freezers and airplanes.

Types of Spray Foam

There are two primary types of spray foam used today. They are – Open Cell Polyurethane Spray Foam and Closed Cell Polyurethane Spray Foam.

Open Cell Polyurethane Spray Foam

The open-cell polyurethane spray foam is popularly used for insulation. It is ideal for residential applications like roof, underfloor, and wall insulations. It is considerably cheaper than closed-cell spray foam and offers some of the same benefits. It is made of just heated and sprayed plastic. It has a lower R-value per inch and requires a high foam volume within a cavity to reach code requirements.

Closed Cell Polyurethane Spray Foam

The closed-cell polyurethane spray foam is popular because of the multiple cells that create the foam. They are almost impenetrable to moisture; therefore, they can handle mold-related issues. Closed-cell spray foam is made of a two-part plastic that expands to roughly 50-100 times its size when heated and sprayed. Any foam weighing over 24 kg is considered closed-cell spray foam.

Where is Spray Foam Used?

Spray foam has many industrial and domestic uses. It can be used in buildings, refrigerator units, and large transports. It is effective as a floatation device, an adhesive for packaging and construction, and an insulation material for venues like movies, spas, and theater sets. For domestic purposes, spray foam can be used in attics, roofs, foundations, facades, internal walls, ceilings, cellars, and storerooms. It can also be used on a building’s structural elements like arcades, balconies, window slopes, doors, conduits and pipes, tanks, and uneven surfaces. The foam can also be used in vehicle trailers, vehicle bodies, container sheds and carriers, garages and parking lots, yachts, boats, and crafts.

How is Spray Foam Applied?

It is comparatively easy to apply spray foam. The Nozzle A is firmly fixed on the application gun’s top for vertical floors. There should be no clearance between the gun and the nozzle. Any clearance between the two will cause leakage during the application process. The can is then shaken at least 20 times. The application gun is then fixed to the can by opening the upper lid of the cap. You can adjust the application pressure by loosening the screw behind the gun. Typically under normal conditions, the screw should be wound up till the end. Once ready, the foam is applied rapidly at an average distance of 40-45 cm from the surface. Anything more or less from this can cause problems. Getting closer to the surface where the foam is applied will increase the thickness of the application. The ideal application thickness should be 1.5cm on a single layer. The heat and sound insulation value will decrease if the application is thicker. Therefore, you should apply three overlapping layers of 1.5cm thickness. If the application is applied from a distance of more than 40-45cms, the thickness will decrease, thereby increasing consumption.
To apply the spray foam to the ceiling, you must remove nozzle A from the tip of the gun and fix nozzle B. While the gun and the product will be held vertically, nozzle B will spray the product onto the ceiling. The spray foam should be applied from an average distance of 15-20cm from the ceiling.

Benefits of Insulation Spray Foam

Spray foam is most useful in countries that have cold climates. Home and business owners prefer convenient insulation to ensure comfort. Spray foam offers strong water, heat, and sound insulation. Below are some of its benefits:

Improves the Comfort of your Home

Whether you are renovating your existing building or constructing a new one, spray foam can be beneficial for insulation. It has a high R-value and air barrier properties that enable it to fill holes and gaps that may otherwise be tough to seal. As a result, your home will feel comfortable, regardless of the weather conditions.

Increases Energy Efficiency and Reduces Energy Bills

Spray foam can help reduce your energy bills through reduced heat loss or gain. It eliminates air leaks and improves your home’s energy efficiency.

Controls Moisture

Open and closed cell spray foam act as a moisture vapor barrier. It seals air leaks and gaps and prevents condensation and humidity from entering a building. As a result, it can also help prevent mold formation.


Spray foam helps make your building more durable. Fewer moisture-related issues will lead to stronger buildings. Medium-density, closed-cell spray foam can also help strengthen wall assemblies by increasing their racking strength.


Spray foam provides design flexibility while building homes. It can expand to fill crevices, cavities, and gaps that may not be easily accessible, letting you get creative with your building design.

Other Advantages of Spray Foam

  • Because of its high insulation properties, spray foam can absorb sound and offer a peaceful space.
  • After being cured, it is extremely resistant to various solvents like thinners and acetone, providing water insulation to buildings.

Is Spray Foam the Preferred Form of Insulation?

Many homes have been using traditional products like cellulose and fiberglass for insulation. However, though effective, these materials also retain and absorb moisture, leading to mold and mildew growth. Their porous characteristics also cause leaks, making air conditioning and heating ineffective. Spray foam eliminates all these issues and provides a stronger and more durable insulation option for buildings, making it a preferred mode of insulation.
Houston spray foam insulation applications for residences and commercial buildings. Our insulation is non-toxic and keeps your building from moisture-related problems like mold and mildew.

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First Defense Insulation,
12 Greenway Plaza Suite 1147,
Houston Texas 77046,


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Why choose foam spray insulation

As a homeowner or commercial property owner, you want to keep your property at a comfortable temperature. If you live in an area that experiences extreme winters or hot summers, then proper insulation is a necessity. One of the most popular types of insulation is spray foam. Spray foam insulation is made up of two chemically compatible materials that, when mixed and sprayed, expand to fill any given space. Since its introduction in the 1980s, this type of insulation has proven effective in insulating any and all types of structures, including walls, roofs, attics and foundations.

The two types of foam spray insulation

There are two types of foam spray insulation: closed-cell and open-cell. Each has its own unique benefits depending on the type of results desired. Before making a decision about which is right for your property, contact our friendly team to help you make the right choice.

Closed-cell insulation

Closed-cell insulation is made up of tiny cells that are completely closed off from each other. This type of insulation is denser than open-cell insulation, making it more resistant to water and air infiltration. It also has a higher R-value, meaning it is more effective at insulating your property. However, closed-cell insulation is also more expensive than open-cell insulation and can be more difficult to install.

Open-cell insulation

Open-cell insulation is made up of cells that are not completely closed off from each other. This type of insulation is less dense than closed-cell insulation and cheaper to install, although not as effective at insulating your property overall.
Whether you choose open-cell or closed-cell foam spray insulation will depend on your budget and the climate in which you live. Both types of insulation are available through a variety of suppliers and contractors, so it’s important to research your options before making a final decision.

What are the benefits of spray foam insulation?

Now that you know about the two main types of foam insulation, you may be wondering what the benefits are. Some of the key benefits of spray foam insulation include:

Easy to install

One of the biggest benefits of spray foam insulation is that it’s easy to install. Unlike some other forms of insulation, there’s no need for special tools or equipment. You simply need to point the nozzle and spray. The foam will cover every nook and cranny, so you can be sure your home is properly insulated. Plus, since it dries so quickly, you won’t have to worry about any messes.

Prevents moisture damage

Another big benefit of spray foam insulation is that it prevents moisture damage. Since spray foam insulation is applied as a liquid, it quickly expands to fill any voids. This means that any moisture that does get in will be quickly sealed off, preventing any damage to your home.

Improves indoor air quality

If you or a loved one is allergic to dust, pollen, or other airborne particles, then you’ll be happy to know that spray foam insulation can help improve your indoor air quality. By sealing off cracks and gaps, spray foam insulation prevents these particles from entering your home, making it a cleaner and healthier place to live.

It has cooling and heating benefits

By sealing off your home from the outside world, spray foam insulation helps to keep the temperature inside more consistent. This means you won’t have to worry about your energy bills going up during the summer or winter months.

It’s is durable

Another great benefit of spray foam insulation is that it’s very durable and lasts a long time. Unlike other types of insulation, which can settle or break down over time, spray foam insulation retains its shape and stays in place. This means you won’t have to worry about re-insulating your home every few years.

Increases the sturdiness of your walls

Every building is built after a codified plan to make sure the structure is strong enough to withstand the force of nature. However, some structures are not as sturdy as they need to be. That’s where spray foam insulation comes in handy. Spray foam insulation increases the sturdiness of your walls and can help prevent any damage during a storm or heavy winds.

It saves you money in the long run

By keeping your home better insulated, you won’t have to worry about your energy bills going up during the summer and winter months. Additionally, since spray foam insulation is so durable, you won’t have to re-insulate your home every few years, which can save you even more money.

Noise reduction

If you live in a busy city or an area with a lot of traffic, then you know how annoying it can be to hear the constant noise. However, spray foam insulation can help to reduce the amount of noise that enters your home. By sealing off cracks and gaps, spray foam insulation acts as a barrier between your home and the outside world, resulting in a quieter and more peaceful environment.

How to choose the right spray foam insulation

After reading these benefits, you may be wondering how to choose the right spray foam insulation for your home. There are a few things to consider when choosing spray foam insulation, including

1. R-Value

R-value is a measure of a material’s thermal resistance, or how well it resists heat flow. The higher the R-value, the better the insulation. When choosing spray foam insulation, you’ll want to make sure to select one with a high R-value so that you can be sure your home is properly insulated.

2. Drying time

Another important factor to consider when choosing spray foam insulation is the drying time. Some types of insulation can take days or even weeks to dry, which can be a hassle. However, spray foam insulation dries quickly, so you won’t have to worry about any messes.

3. Cost

Of course, the cost is always a consideration when choosing any type of insulation. However, spray foam insulation is a relatively affordable option, especially when you consider long-term savings.


If you’re looking for a way to improve the efficiency of your home and keep it clean, then spray foam insulation is an excellent option. With its many benefits and durable construction, it’s a smart choice for any homeowner or builder. Do you need foam spray insulation in Houston? Look no further than First Defense Insulation. Our team of experts is ready to help you choose the right insulation for your home. For more information, visit https://fdinsulation.com/attic-insulation/spray-foam/.

First Defense Insulation,
12 Greenway Plaza Suite 1147, Houston, TX 77046,

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How to Get Better Indoor Air Quality | Spray-On Foam & Coating

The air we breathe has a significant impact on our overall health, and the quality of indoor air is often far worse than outdoor air. In fact, the EPA estimates that indoor air can be up to 5 times more polluted than outdoor air. Even if you have a HEPA air purifier, it’s crucial to improve the air quality in your home or office by using spray-on foam and coating. A spray foam insulation contractor can apply a thick layer of foam to your walls and ceiling, which will create an airtight seal that prevents outside air from entering.

What is Spray-On Foam & Coating?

Spray foam is insulation created by mixing two substances and spraying them onto an object or surface. The substances, known as isocyanate and polyol resin, react with each other when mixed and expand to up to 30-60 times their original volume. This expansion makes spray foam an ideal material for packing or insulating objects and surfaces. It is also commonly used in construction to provide thermal insulation and minimize air infiltration.
There are two types of spray foam: polyurethane and polyisocyanurate. Polyurethane foam is the most common type of spray foam insulation, while polyisocyanurate foam is typically used in commercial and industrial applications. Both types of spray foam are created by mixing isocyanate and polyol resin, but the ratio of these substances varies depending on the type of foam being created.

How Does Spray-On Foam & Coating Improve Air Quality?

One of the most common questions we get asked is how does spray-on foam and coating improve air quality? Most people are familiar with the benefits of insulation in terms of energy efficiency but don’t realize that it also plays a vital role in protecting indoor air quality. What they don’t know is that spray-on foam and coating can help improve indoor air quality and create a healthier environment for them and their family.
One of the main ways spray-on foam and coating improve indoor air quality is by sealing cracks and gaps in your home’s envelope. These cracks and gaps can act as pathways for pollutants to enter your home, so sealing them is integral to keeping indoor air clean. In addition to sealing gaps, spray-on foam and coating can also help prevent mold growth by creating a barrier between your home and outside. Mold spores are a common indoor air pollutant and can cause respiratory problems, so preventing mold growth is essential for protecting your family’s health.
Another way that spray-on foam and coating improve air quality is by reducing noise pollution. External noise can be a significant source of indoor pollution, so by reducing the amount of noise that enters your home, you can create a quieter and more peaceful environment. In addition to reducing noise pollution, spray-on foam and coating can also help protect against external noise by creating a barrier between your home and the outside world.
But to enjoy these benefits, you have to make sure the Spray-On Foam & Coating is applied by a professional. We, First Defense Insulation, are one of Houston’s most experienced and reputable spray foam insulation companies. We have a team of certified professionals who use the latest equipment and techniques to ensure that your home or business receives the best possible insulation job.

What is the Process of Installing Spray-On Foam & Coating?

The process of installing spray-on foam and coating is relatively simple. First, our team of certified professionals will assess your home or business to determine the best course of action. Once we’ve determined the type and amount of spray foam insulation needed, we’ll prepare the area for application. This usually involves removing any insulation material and cleaning the surface to be sprayed.
Once the area is prepared, the team will apply the spray foam insulation using a high-pressure sprayer. The spray foam insulation will expand as it’s applied and quickly harden into place. Once the insulation is in place, our team will clean up excess material and ensure that all gaps and cracks are properly sealed.
The entire process usually takes less than a day, and once it’s complete, you’ll immediately notice a difference in your home or business. Your indoor air quality will be improved, and you’ll enjoy a quieter and more comfortable environment.

Is Spray-On Foam & Coating Safe to Have in My Home?

Spray foam and coating are two of the most popular insulation methods for homes and businesses. They are also two of the most controversial due to their potential health risks. Many people are concerned about having these products in their homes, but is there really cause for concern?
There are two main types of spray foam: closed-cell and open-cell. Closed-cell foam is made up of tiny cells that are filled with a gas, usually propane or butane. These cells are closed off from each other, making the foam more dense and durable. Open-cell foam is made up of larger cells that are filled with air. This makes the foamless dense and less durable.
The main concern with spray foam is releasing harmful chemicals into the air. When the foam is applied, it releases volatile organic compounds (VOCs) into the air. VOCs are gases that can cause various health problems, including headaches, dizziness, nausea, and respiratory problems. In addition, VOCs can damage the liver, kidney, and central nervous system.
Another concern with spray foam is that it can trap water vapor and moisture. This can lead to mold growth and wood rot.
However, if applied correctly and allowed to cure correctly, spray foam and coating can be safe products in your home. It is essential to follow the manufacturer’s instructions when applying these products. In addition, it is a good idea to have the area well-ventilated during and after application.
Spray-on foam and coating can be great additions to your home or business. They can improve your indoor air quality, reduce noise pollution, and help protect against external noise. However, it is crucial to have these products installed by a professional. First Defense Insulation is a reputable and experienced spray foam insulation company in Houston. Visit https://fdinsulation.com/attic-insulation/spray-foam/ for more information.
First Defense Insulation,
12 Greenway Plaza Suite
1147 Houston Texas 77046,


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spray foam insulation in crawl space

How Much Does Insulating a Crawl Space with Spray Foam Cost in 2022?

Insulating your crawl space with spray foam can save you hundreds of dollars in energy bills. However, if the spray foam insulation installation is not done professionally, you may incur the cost of completely redoing the job. Thus, the cost of insulating your crawl space will depend on how much work you plan to do yourself, as well as if you’ll hire a professional to install your insulation. It’s prudent to contract insulation contractors because their experience allows them to apply the spray foam properly and ensure it stays in place for decades.
Costs also vary according to geographical location, local labor rates, and material costs, considering spray foam is one of the most expensive crawl space insulation materials. That said, you should be prepared to fork out an average of $3,500 for a 1,000 square foot crawl space. In this article, we will give you insights into how much you should expect to pay for your insulation job and the factors that go into pricing.

The Crawlspace Size

The size of your crawlspace is probably the largest determining factor when it comes to the overall cost of installing spray foam insulation. The larger the crawlspace, the more material and time you will need to complete the installation. In other words, a smaller crawlspace will normally cost less than a larger one.
The cost will also depend on whether you’re only applying insulation underneath the floor or insulating the walls and the floor as well. The crawlspace’s wall height can also factor into the cost – the higher the walls, the more insulation you’ll use.

Crawl Space Condition

If you have an older, uninsulated crawl space, you may be wasting energy, impacting your indoor air quality, and contributing to excessive moisture problems.
Signs of damp, rotting wood, mold, or sagging floors above the crawl space, indicate that you need to do some prep work before insulating. You’ll need to inspect your crawl space, and if you identify mold, contracting a professional mold remediation company to remove the mold before insulating is recommended. This mold remediation step will add to the overall cost of your insulation job, but it’s a necessary step if you want to prevent future problems.
In addition, your contractor may recommend other changes to the environment of your crawl space before insulating. For example, if you have an older home with a dirt floor, you may need to install a vapor barrier before insulating. This step will increase the cost of the insulation project but will also protect the crawl space from moisture, which can cause mold. A vapor barrier might cost around $640 for a 1,500-square-foot home.

Crawl Spaces: Whether They Are Vented or Unvented

As a general rule of thumb, vented crawl spaces tend to cost more to insulate than closed crawl spaces. Since the presence of vents will allow moisture and humidity to build up in your crawl space, insulated installations need to include additional sealing. Unvented crawl spaces don’t require this step, which means installation is quicker and less expensive.

Type of Spray Foam Insulation

You have two choices when it comes to the type of foam insulation that you use. The first option is open-cell spray foam insulation, which has an R-Value between 3.5 and 4 per inch. This fills most gaps but doesn’t have a vapor barrier, so it’s not recommended for homes in colder climates where moisture might enter the crawl space.
Closed-cell spray foam insulation provides leak protection and extra durability because of its high R-value (6.5 per inch). Closed-cell foams are more expensive than open-cell foams, but they will generally provide better results when installed properly by a professional contractor; this makes them worth the higher cost.

The Thickness of Foam Insulation

The cost of installing foam insulation in your crawl space will depend largely on its thickness. The thickness of foam insulation required in your crawl space depends on your local climate. Homes located in mild climate areas that do not experience significant temperature changes might only need a thin layer of foam insulation. In contrast, homes located in climates that experience greater fluctuations in temperature will require thicker insulation. While this will increase the cost, creating a more completely sealed space will result in lower energy bills.

Taking Out the Old Insulation

If the insulation has been in place for many years and has absorbed moisture, it should also be professionally removed. Old insulation in crawl spaces isn’t as energy-efficient and is a source of wasted energy, higher monthly utility bills, and an uncomfortable living space.
The main reason to have a professional remove the old cellulose insulation is that they have the tools and equipment needed to safely remove and dispose of any hazardous material that may have been present in the insulation. Unfortunately, this will also add to the cost of insulating your crawl space.
Crawl space insulation is a cost-effective way to reduce energy loss and make your home more comfortable. Spray foam insulation will provide your home with better thermal resistance and improved air quality. The cost of installing foam insulation in your crawl space will depend in a large part on its thickness. The thickness of foam insulation required in your crawl space will depend on the climate where your home is located. Homes located in climates that experience greater fluctuations between cold and hot seasons may require thicker insulation, thus increasing the overall cost. Other considerations include whether or not the crawl space is vented (closed) or unvented; if you have an older home with dirt flooring then installing a vapor barrier before insulating may also increase costs.
For more information on installing foam board or spray foam insulation in your crawl space, visit our website at https://fdinsulation.com/attic-insulation/spray-foam/ today

First Defense Insulation,

11715 Anderson Road Willis Texas 77318,


Open Cell Spray Foam in Unvented Attic

High Energy Bills: How To Lower Cost

Receiving high energy bills has happened to many of us at one point or another, and it’s never a fun experience. You’re not alone, the 13 largest U.S. metropolitan areas have seen higher bills this year. After receiving a high energy bill, we wonder how does this happen and how do we fix the problem. Everyone can save energy in their home. Saving energy or becoming more energy efficient, makes our homes more comfortable and saves homeowners money. 

Audit Your Home’s Energy Efficiency

The first step to improving savings and comfort of your home is obtaining a Energy Assessment, also known as a Home Energy Audit. Knowing where energy is potentially being wasted is important. If you’re not testing, you are guessing. Professionals will use interviews, inspection of the home, and diagnostic tools. The process should take about one hour to complete. The professional will review findings and make recommendations for improvement. 

Air Sealing

Among the greatest sources of energy loss in a home is air leaks. Imagine driving down the freeway on a hot afternoon with the vehicle’s air conditioner on high. We feel pretty comfortable, right! Now roll down the windows. All of sudden we are hot again. Our homes work the same way. We want to keep air that we pay to heat and cool on the inside of the home. One of the best money saving task you can perform to your home is to caulk, seal, or weatherstrip all cracks, openings, and seams to the outside. A homes conditioned space are areas and rooms in the home that the air conditioning system serves. Unconditioned space is the outside, and sometimes is found in our homes: vented attics, kneewall spaces, room above garages, or crawl spaces.  According to the Department of Energy, sealing uncontrolled air leaks, you can save 10%-20% on heating and cooling bills. First Defense Insulation provides expert air sealing services.   


After air sealing, the second most energy saving task is looking at the homes insulation. Insulation is an essential piece of limiting heat flow through a homes outer shell (building envelope). Insulation is a home’s thermal boundary, separating outside from inside. The greater the difference between the outside and inside of a home temperature, the more energy it will take to maintain a comfortable environment inside the home. R-value is a measure of insulations resistance to heat flow. The higher the value, the more effective the insulation is at slowing heat flow. So how much insulation do we need? The U.S. is broken up into 8 climate zones. Homeowners in south Texas are in Zone 2. U.S. Department of Energy recommends attic insulation to be between R-30 and R-60. Local and state codes also have an effect on minimum accepted R-Values. If you need help determining the correct R-value for your home, First Defense Insulation comfort specialist can help you. First Defense Insulation provides different options with regards to insulation products.   

Heating and Cooling

35%-40% of a homes energy usage comes from heating and cooling. You can save money and increase comfort by properly maintaining, using, and upgrading your HVAC equipment. Air ducts are very important. They are in charge of delivering heated or cool air to the home. Improperly sized, poorly sealed, or poorly insulated, they are likely contributing to higher energy bills. As discussed previously, a home has a inside and outside. Duts located in a vented attic are considered to be outside. This is not ideal placement. Ducts that leak, are literally leaking air you pay to heat and cool to the outside, never to be seen again. Underinsualted ducts do not have a good resistance to heat flow. Remember that the under insulated ducts are located in the “outside”, the same outside that gets incredibly hot in Texas. The 55 degree air that is supposed to be inside the duct can’t stay cool long as the Texas heat bakes the air before distributing to the home. Imagine placing your duct work through an oven and hoping you get cool air at the end, you don’t. The same principles apply during cold months. 155 degree air is cooled by a cold vented attic space. Ducts perform better and save money when air sealed, better insulated beyond current offerings, or located on the inside of the home. Houston area homeowners are turning to spray foam insulation for superior air sealing and R-Value properties. Spray foam can be used to better insulate ducts or be used to convert the attic to unvented, thus allowing duct work to remain on the inside of home and protected from the Texas heat. 

Window Solar Film 

Tinting windows from the inside is an economical way to boost energy efficiency. Solar film absorbs or reflects up to 99% of UV rays. This helps keep rooms cooler during the summer and reduces the chance of interior furnishings fading. There are considerations before just installing the film as not all film is compatible with all types of window glass. Before installing, a simple check with the window manufacture is recommended.

High Energy Bills? We Can Help

First Defense Insulation


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Good communication. Showed up when they said they would. Quality work.
Peter Griffiths
Peter Griffiths
Hire them! Shad and his team have been the absolute best to consult with on my historic home and I 10/10 recommend working with them. Kind. Respectful. Responsive. Hire this team – you will thank yourself later.
Kendall Bentsen
Kendall Bentsen
I’ve known the owner John Blackwelder awhile. Will not meet or do business with a better guy which is why this company is successful, offers great service, and does great work.
Thomas Wiggins
Thomas Wiggins
Hired them to insulate the crawlspace on a pier and beam home, it was a great experience. John responded to my inquiry very quickly and even came out for a quote during the weekend. When it came time to do the job, the crew showed up on time, and with a supervisor who helped ensure that the job went smooth from start to finish. The supervisor texted me photos, videos, and progress updates throughout the day, which provided great peace of mind. Definitely would recommend to a friend. You might be able to find a cheaper quote somewhere else, but you won’t be getting the same quality of work, communication, customer service, and punctuality. Save yourself the headache and hire these guys.
Maverick Quiros
Maverick Quiros
John is one of the most professional and punctual guys I know. Whenever he is on one of my projects, I have no worries about his scope of work. Top notch service from a top notch person!
This company was highly recommended,I met John Harper at my store. He was very knowledgeable, thorough and explained the entire process of spray foam insulation, how it helps and how it works. I immediately knew I could trust them for the job, which was a very large/difficult job. These guys did a great job, it took longer than expected,they had a few hiccups, but at the end of the day, these guys made it right!!!Thank you JP and John Harper, yall are AWESOME!!These guys are still contacting me, checking in with me making sure everything is OK. This company is all about making things right and that’s exactly what they did!!HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS COMPANY
The team were very responsive during the entire process from estimate to completion of the job today. The job was small in comparison to others I’m sure, but First Defense Insulation came through in a big way, just as if it was a big job. Thanks First Defense Insulation team, job well done!
Paul Sims
Paul Sims
Was very spectacle about hiring a company for spray foam on my Brando builds with having bad luck in the past.This company is by far the best subcontractor I have ever hired. Their attention to detail was beyond great. They leave the place cleaner than it was before. They will ALWAYS do my insulation on my custom homes.
Joshua Parker
Joshua Parker
The experience with this company was great. Their guys were very professional and cleaned up after themselves very well.
Alice Enloe
Alice Enloe
These guys are the best! John came for the initial inspection/quote and answered ALL of the questions I had (which were many!) — he was able to fully describe and help me understand the process of Crawl Space Encapsulation. He even answered a few follow-up questions I had after meeting with other companies and doing my own research. He really knows his stuff and is an expert! Out of all 3 companies I received quotes from, John was the most honest, knowledgable, and had the best price.Today was installation day and the guys showed up on-time and were incredibly kind. When it was time for them to leave, they locked our driveway gate and moved everything back to the way it was. It was cleaned up like they weren’t even there. The payment process was also extremely straightforward.If you are looking for high-quality work, a communicative and knowledge company, punctuality, and kind service — First Defense Insulation is the way to go!
Blake Mudd
Blake Mudd
The company did a great job replacing a roof and installing new insulation, and went to great lengths to clean up once the work was completed. It was easy to ask questions and communicate, and everything was explained very well. I would recommend to anyone.
John, Shad and their team did an excellent job with my attic spray foam job. Extremely professional, great communication and easy to work with. They executed the plan they laid out to meet my expectations. They earned my trust, which is the most important thing to me!
Sam Gerges
Sam Gerges
John, at First Defense, personally attended to every detail of my project! His crew was punctual, attentive to every detail and gave expert advice to better accomplish what was needed than I had thought. Upon completion of the install the supervisor, William, ensured that a thorough clean-up was done and that I was completely satisfied with their work before heading to their next job. I highly recommend First Defense Insulation for all your home or business insulation projects.
Robert Engel
Robert Engel
John and his team did an excellent job installing spray foam insulation to the roof of my attic! They were professional, on time and answered all of my questions. I interviewed a couple of companies before deciding to go with First Defense Insulation LLC. I used the word interviewed because for me it wasn’t about a quote and the cost, but more about finding a company that I could trust to do the job! I highly recommend this company.
Deborah Sanders
Deborah Sanders
Experience was great overall with getting insulation in our crawl space. John came out and was able to look at the property, come up with a plan, and sent over the estimate in a timely manner. Wasn’t quite sure what to expect, but he went through in detail of what was needed in the area and recommendations. Once the estimate was approved, we got on the schedule. The day of installation, I got notification that they were coming out and the team was out early and worked quickly on getting ready. Installation of the insulation went well and the team cleaned the area and then cleaned up on their way out. I would use them again if the need arises. Highly recommend.
Patrick Smith
Patrick Smith
First Defence replaced the roof on my house and detached garage. They stripped the old roofing down to the wood decking. They inspected my wood decking for damage and deterioration. Then installed state of the art materials ( not felt paper). John left nothing to chance as he was there to inspect every detail. Very good crew and quality materials!
Michael Woodard
Michael Woodard
First Defense Insulation performed an excellent work. We are very satisfied with their performance. They are courteous, onetime, hardworking people. They are also cost-effective.
Sonny Mukherjee
Sonny Mukherjee
Insulation and sealing in attic
Steve Degner
Steve Degner
Absolutely an amazing experience! The communication and attention to detail was outstanding. I cannot say enough good things and highly recommend! Extremely satisfied with the sprayfoam experience at my house.
I contacted multiple service providers in Houston, to request quotes and assessment for spray foam insulation in the crawlspace area of our pier-and-beam home. John Harper at First Defense was the only one to give a thorough assessment of both the crawlspace area, and the rest of the home, viewing the attic, roof, doors, windows, etc. I never experienced an over-sell at all, but just a thorough assessment, and proposal for the best solution. He identified that First Defense’s proposal would not necessarily be the lowest bid (true), but I definitely felt the most assured from his proposal. Other groups either retracted their bid (unwilling to enter the crawlspace area), or generated a bid without even seeing the home. In my experience over a couple of weeks’ worth of winter temperatures, there is definitely a noticeable improvement in the floor-level temperatures on our ground floor. I’ve already recommended FD to neighbors and friends – their service was prompt, communication was clear, and the product has seemed to make an impact as desired.
From the first communication, John and Shadrick were professional in every way. They attentively listened and looked at our situation and responded with expert recommendations, advising us how to best meet our needs. Their knowledge of insulation, specifically the spray foam business, and knowledge of building science is remarkable. First Defense Insulation is highly recommended for providing excellent work with an honest, professional interchange. I would use this company again without hesitation.
Contractors who truly care about the products that go into your home! John and Shad helped me remove a bad spray foam application when a family in need had no one else to turn to. Spray foam is most definitely a specialty application and should only be installed by a trained professional. These guys are the real deal.I would recommend this company to anyone!
Cannot say enough about the knowledge an professionalism that First defense Insulation possesses. There business model an whole building approach is the only way to properly address a building s thermal envelope. We attempt to mimic First defense insulation in every way tru leaders in the thermal envelope industry.(If your not testing your guessing)
Mark Gordos
Mark Gordos
Extremely knowledgeable, Very pleased!
Todd Bolton
Todd Bolton
John at First Defense Insulation did a fantastic job for us. We gave him a challenging project retrofitting a 110 year-old historic house. We needed help reducing indoor humidity, correcting insulation problems and increasing energy efficiency. First Defense proposed practical solutions, worked hard to solve our issues and did high quality work. They were friendly, communicative and went above and beyond our expectations. We highly recommend First Defense Insulation.
Great job by First Defense on all the work they did on my insulation project. They also picked a great subcontractor to do some ductwork and install an AC unit in my garage. High quality work product and great communication about the project’s progress throughout. I am a happy customer and would definitely call them again.
Joe Meuth
Joe Meuth
Great experience using FD insulation from initial contact through completion. John is the one that came out to look at our project and provide the initial quote; and I have nothing but good things to say. He was far more thorough than the other 2 companies that looked and actually took the time to understand how our house was currently setup and what would be needed to get it properly insulated. They did exactly what they said they would and we are quite happy with the job done.
WOW! WOW! Such an amazing group of professional, friendly, hardworking, efficient, dedicated crew. This company and their amazing crew installed insulation in crawl space and attic and We are very satisfied customers . Thanks John & John. You guys made my husband and I feel so comfortable and trusting of you and your company. We are satisfied with your amazing service. I RECOMMEND this company for all the services they offer. THE VIBES IS RIGHT!😊😊
Yvonne Buddo
Yvonne Buddo
From the first phone call to inquire about foam insulation I felt completely comfortable and confident that this was the company for us. Our custom built 1970’s house was going to bee a challenge because of it’s flat roof. Our project was no challenge for this team. My husband I I were presented with a plan, offered financing, and scheduled our project to be completed in two days. Our family of five and three dogs were given housing for the two days at no additional cost! After the project was complete we came home to a perfectly clean home. We were impressed with the entire process. When I woke up the next morning I could not believe how crisp and clean the air felt. I thought I was imagining it until I asked my husband and teenagers. They also said they slept great and woke up refreshed. I was shocked. I do not only highly recommend this company but insist.
Rachel Adams
Rachel Adams
Finally a contractor I can trust! I messaged John about issues with other my primary bedroom being warmer than the rest of the house. Luckily he was in the area and came over within hours. While reviewing my cooling issues we talked about my fireplaces. I mentioned I was having issues with my bedroom one and was quoted $10k to repair. After looking at it for a few minutes he diagnosed the problem as my gas logs being oversized. He removed the larger logs and we lit the fireplace. No exhaust fumes! None. Saved me $10k!! The other contractor “misdiagnosed” my issue and was prepared to charge me $10k. How convenient. We’ve all been taken my shady contractors. John is a guy you can trust!!
Tina Strong
Tina Strong
Can’t say enough good things about this business. We are building our own house and had them install blown-in open cell insulation. John and his team were very professional and went to great lengths to explain the entire process and answer all of our questions. We appreciate everything right down to the small details of cleaning after they finished the job. Thanks John!
Cathy Orlando
Cathy Orlando
We enjoyed working with Shad- we were confident after meeting him that he would do a good job with the insulation work we needed done in our attic. His communication is excellent and his team was quick and efficient.
First Defense Insulation did an EXCELLENT job for us! They are Very knowledgeable about their products and professional in their work.John inspected our home beforehand and recommended the best solution for our home. John was careful to thoroughly explain how his recommendation was appropriate for our needs.The price was reasonable and job was completed on time as promised. ALL their employees were courteous throughout the entire installation process.We HIGHLY recommend the First Defense Insulation team for your needs.
Daniel Hammock
Daniel Hammock
John and his crew came out and removed existing insulation in my attic and replaced it with new. The guys were punctual, polite, courteous, and did an excellent job for me, going above and beyond to ensure I was well taken care of by closing a couple of openings that rodents could gain access to the attic through and working around a few other issues we had.We can already tell a difference in how often our central unit needs to kick on and I am looking forward to seeing a reduced utility bill now that our insulation is done right.Thank you First Defense Insulation for not only treating us right, but going above and beyond. We appreciate you and highly recommend!!-Hunter Family
Adriane Hunter
Adriane Hunter
We’ve worked with Shad before when his crew installed foam insulation on our main house, and we were happy to be a repeat customer for our addition. He is pleasant and professional and his crew does great work. We highly recommend this business.
Dawne Adams
Dawne Adams
If you are looking to convert your home from a traditional insulation attic to a conditioned attic like I was… look no further. It started with the utmost professionalism and friendliness from one of the owners Shad, and continued all the way through the process with his team until the very end. You won’t find a more knowledgeable contractor when it comes to spray foam insulation. There is a lot more that goes into this process than just spraying the foam… and First Defense Insulation considers and informs you of all of them. The icing on the cake is how good of a job they do. You won’t have to worry if the job was done as good as it should, it will be done perfect. I crawled around every inch of my attic and couldn’t find one thing to not be fully satisfied about. I could not recommend this company more highly, and have already to my coworkers.
John and his crew were very efficient and professional! John was very thorough in explaining the insulation process and payment plans so that I knew what to expect. I have 4 people who work from home and we were thinking we would have to go into the office, but we were all able to stay at home during this process. There was noise but nothing that was extreme and once they finished over our office we could barely hear them. The crew was just amazing and so quick and efficient the first day was vacuuming and was the longest of course and then the other two days they were here at 8 and done before noon. They were always on time and didn’t waste a second. The second day the foam insulation is sprayed and there is a paint smell, but they did their best to contain it by putting plastic around the attic entrance, also we opened the windows and shut the doors of the rooms we were in and smelled nothing.Overall this was the best experience I have had with anyone who has worked on my house and I can’t wait to see the benefits on my electricity bill because we could already feel the difference after the foam was sprayed. Already our A/C does not have to come on as much. I highly recommend First Defense Installation.
Shawn Smith
Shawn Smith
I am blown away by the level of service that I’ve received from First Defense Insulation. From the initial phone call, to the in-home assessment, these guys are True professionals. Their knowledge and expertise has helped me drastically increase the energy efficiency of my home. John showed me the many areas of my home that were seriously lacking, and how I can address those issues. They put together a plan that really improved the comfort inside of my home. I could not be happier with their service. The work was clean, and everything went very smoothly with the job. I highly recommend them!
Jesse Diaz
Jesse Diaz
Knowledgeable, professional, flexible. They look at the problem and make sure the solution doesn’t inadvertently create another issue. That’s very helpful when dealing w insulation, floors, attics, HVAC, and overall structure.
Astrid Lange
Astrid Lange
Had open cell foam sprayed into our MASSIVE attic. Very expensive but it completely transformed the attic. It used to be extremely hot and felt dirty and dusty. Feels like part of the house now and is much cleaner (they remove the old “blown in” insulation as part of the job). We’re looking forward to seeing our first electricity bill with the new insulation.Communication was fantastic throughout; before, during and after the job. They addressed our concerns, thoroughly explained the process and what to expect, and kept us informed of progress while the job was being done. When the job was done the house was left spotless. I highly recommend these guys for your insulation work.
Dan E.
Dan E.
The staff of First Defense Insulation was on time, professional around me and my children, very time efficient the whole time they were at our house working. Eddie and the other young man did an amazing job at insulating our home, now we can stay cool in this Texas summer and warm in the winter!
Sandra C
Sandra C
We met with John Harper and his associate. They were so professional and explained every step of the insulation process. Prior to this we did not realize the importance of starting with the attic and to be sure it is up to the standard in order the the AC to work to the best of its ability. We haven’t had the work done yet and will review again but making me this huge financial decision and feeling comfortable already is a huge relief. Look for another review after the work is complete. John still as so professional and walked us through every step of the process.
Sheryl Warren
Sheryl Warren
Great team! They were very engaging and professional from the beginning to the end.
Marvin Ross
Marvin Ross
These guys told me it would take four daysThey were here early and ready to work they finished in two. Very professional and trustworthy. Job was done to perfectionI would highly recommend this company
eric pitre
eric pitre
After researching a number of companies, I selected John and his team for a big job removing the old insulation under our house and then spray foaming. The level of service from the time of our first meeting to the completion of the job was awesome. They finished faster than expected and left our home looking just like before they started. I would definitely recommend this company – great owners and team.
Kevin Gugenheim
Kevin Gugenheim
John Blackwell and his crew are amazing. Very quick response when he came to my home to give me my estimate, very fair pricing, high quality materials and his crew was very professional, friendly and showed respect to my home. Thank you for a smooth, easy, affordable service.
CutN Shoot
CutN Shoot